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Venue Site #7b. Anderson Stain Glass

Venue Site #7b. Anderson Stain Glass

Deb Anderson

(306) 852-9139

Deb Anderson  has been doing stained glass for about 40 years as a hobby.  Deb moved to Leask in 2018 after living in a small town south of Lloydminster for over 30 years. “I just couldn’t part with all the glass just because I was relocating…” She has stained glasses from BC to Newfoundland. “I buy sheets of coloured glass, not doing colouring in the shop. It’s all designing, cutting, fitting, assembling and finishing.” Come and see the tools and techniques involved in stained glass construction. Working mostly on commissioned pieces, she makes anything from sun-catchers to church windows. “I love the colour, the textures, the jewels. It’s awesome to create beautiful things people enjoy.”

Located at the Butler Building at the corner of
Railway Avenue and Main Street in Leask.

Deb`s Work